Posts Tagged ‘Academic Excellence’
Chance to Win VIP Access to LA Rams Training Camp – Upload COVID-19 Vaccination Record by August 2
ARE YOU READY FOR SOME FOOTBALL? Upload your vaccination verification for a chance to win a Rams Training Camp VIP experience Dear colleagues, As an incentive to encourage faculty and staff to upload their vaccination record early, those who do so by August 2 will be entered into a random drawing to win exclusive access…
Read MoreUCOP Vaccine Policy
Dear UCI campus community, As we continue preparations to welcome students back for in-person instruction this fall, I write to share additional information. Most significantly, the UC Office of the President issued its final policy regarding required COVID-19 vaccinations. This policy requires all UCI students, staff and faculty to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 before physically…
Read MoreSchool of Social Ecology Dean
Dear colleagues, On behalf of Chancellor Gillman, it is my privilege to announce the appointment of Jon Gould as dean of UCI’s School of Social Ecology, effective Jan. 1, 2022. Professor Gould currently serves as Foundation Professor and director of the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Arizona State University. In this role, he…
Read MoreMona Lynch Appointed Interim Dean of School of Social Ecology
Dear colleagues, On behalf of Chancellor Gillman, I am pleased to announce that Chancellor’s Professor and Chair of Criminology, Law and Society Mona Lynch has been appointed interim dean of the School of Social Ecology, effective July 1, 2021. Professor Lynch joined UCI in 2008 and she has served as co-director of the campuswide Center…
Read MoreReappointment of Dean Marios Papaefthymiou
Dear colleagues, On behalf of Chancellor Gillman, I am pleased to announce that Marios Papaefthymiou has been appointed to a second five-year term as the Ted and Janice Smith Family Foundation Dean of the Donald Bren School of Information & Computer Sciences. Under his leadership, the School has made great strides in fundraising, program development,…
Read MoreJennifer Moumneh Appointed Interim University Ombudsperson
Dear colleagues, On behalf of Chancellor Gillman, I am pleased to announce that Jennifer Moumneh has been named interim university ombudsperson, effective July 1, 2021. The office name will be updated to the UCI Office of the Ombuds. Jennifer has served more than 18 years in conflict resolution and ombuds services. She joined UCI in…
Read MoreInaugural Cohort of Inclusive Excellence Term Chairs
Dear colleagues, I am delighted to announce the recipients of the inaugural UCI Inclusive Excellence Term Chairs. As was noted in the call for nominations last winter, the purpose of the Inclusive Excellence Term Chair program is to leverage the research and creative capacity of the campus to deepen understanding about and responses to designated…
Read MoreExplore OIT’s Technology Impact Report from a Transformative Year
UCI Black Thriving Initiative Faculty Cluster Hiring Program First Call for Proposals Outcome
Dear colleagues, I am pleased to announce the outcome of the inaugural call for proposals for the UCI Black Thriving Initiative Faculty Cluster Hiring Program. As announced last fall, the program is a competitive multi-year effort to recruit faculty who interrogate structural racism in its myriad forms. As part of the UCI Black Thriving Initiative, the program…
Read MoreVaccination Verification System Now Available
Dear colleagues, As we work together toward a bright new day at UCI, including the reopening of our campus in the fall, we ask those of you who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 to please self-identify and upload proof of vaccination. Employees who received both doses of their vaccination (or one dose of Johnson &…
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