What is the Provost's Leadership Academy?
This program is geared toward UCI faculty who show promise as future leaders in positions including department chair, research center director, associate deans, deans, and vice provosts. Academia is in the midst of significant change with respect to funding, accountability and perceived relevance. One motivation for the PLA is to help educate future leaders who are knowledgeable about the changing external environment and are equipped to meet the challenges.
Led by Jone Pearce, Distinguished Professor Emerita of Organization and Management in the Merage School of Business, the program provides participants with an introduction to strategies for leadership in the academies and activities to develop skills for successfully leading an academic unit.
What can participants expect?
The structure is intended to advise faculty members who are contemplating an academic leadership role. To expand their knowledge of the university and its challenges, each participant will also work in smaller project groups on a topic of campuswide interest that involves the practice of leadership.
Academy Goals
Participants should be able to:
- Describe the tradeoffs associated with moving from a traditional faculty role into a leadership position.
- Categorize contrasting leadership styles and develop an understanding of leadership traits and one's own style and comfort level with alternative views of leadership.
- Recognize the skills needed (including strategic planning, financial strategy, human resource management, managing conflict, development, and fundraising) in today's environment to be an effective academic leader.
- Describe the external environment facing higher education and gain a sense of how to communicate this reality to faculty, staff and the external community.
- Discuss key issues related to university budgeting, external relations and development.
- Identify personal concerns and challenges associated with a leadership role.
- Discuss strategies for affecting change within a formal structure of faculty governance.
- Address a campuswide challenge and develop a set of recommendations for the Provost (challenge project group work).
- Form a campuswide network of colleagues involved in leadership at a variety of levels who they can continue to interact with after the academy.
- Decide whether or not a leadership role is a realistic personal career path and at what level and at what time.
What is the commitment?
The program will be comprised of a one half-day workshop led by Professor Pearce, followed by five 2 or 3-hour sessions, one/month between December/January and May/June. Monthly sessions will include interactive sessions by leadership development professionals as well as time for groups to coordinate work on their campus challenge projects. Each group will provide a set of recommendations to the Provost in May/June.
Who pays for the program?
The Office of the Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor covers all expenses for the program.
Who can participate in the program?
Faculty participants are selected from a pool of nominations from deans. Criteria for nomination are faculty who have leadership potential, are positive role models and have demonstrated or supported an activity to advance inclusive excellence at UCI.
For inquiries, please contact jiwon@uci.edu.