Strategic Campuswide Cost Savings Project Update

Aldrich Hall with flowers

Dear colleagues, As part of my winter campus financial update, I indicated that campuswide cost savings and operational efficiencies can be an important part of our financial stability plan. I write to provide more information about this effort and invite your participation. As members of the Campus Budget Workgroup have spoken with faculty and staff…

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Reaffirmation of Accreditation

celebrative commencement of a group of UC Irvine graduates

Dear campus community: We are delighted to share that UCI’s academic accreditation has been successfully reaffirmed by the WASC Senior College & University Commission (WSCUC). WSCUC accreditation aids institutions in developing and sustaining effective educational programs and assures the educational community and the general public that an accredited institution has met rigorous standards of quality…

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2023-24 Academic Salary Program for Ladder Rank and Non-Represented Faculty

Aldrich Hall

Dear colleagues, The UC Office of the President has announced the academic salary program for ladder rank and non-represented faculty for 2023-24. This salary program is contingent upon an allocation currently in the State budget and requires approval from the State Legislature and the governor. If approved, the salary scales for ladder rank faculty and…

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Updated Strategic Plan

Graphic with the text "Strategic Plan"

Dear colleagues: In 2016, UC Irvine released an ambitious strategic plan designed to build on our strengths and realize our brilliant future. The plan is based on four pillars: We are pleased to report that over the past seven years, many of the plan’s original goals have been accomplished. In addition, some strategies that were relevant then…

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