Administrative Relocation of Institutional Research to Academic Planning

aldrich hall and park

Dear colleagues, Chancellor Gillman has approved the administrative relocation of the Office of Institutional Research (OIR) from the Division of Finance and Administration to the Office of Academic Planning in the Office of the Provost, effective July 1, 2020. Led by Assistant Vice Chancellor Ryan Cherland, OIR performs research, analysis and reporting that supports campus…

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Remote Teaching Special Update Newsletter – Volume 2

remote teaching special update volume 2

Dear colleagues, As the spring quarter concludes, students, faculty and staff have done an amazing job adapting to our new environment. We appreciate your commitment to academic excellence at UCI during this challenging time. In this issue, we want to recognize our graduate students for their tremendous efforts, share insights on their experiences and offer…

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Valerie Jenness Appointed Acting Vice Provost for Academic Planning

valerie jenness

Dear colleagues, On behalf of Chancellor Gillman, I am pleased to announce that Valerie Jenness has been appointed Acting Vice Provost for Academic Planning, effective July 1, 2020. Since joining UCI in 1997, Professor Jenness has served in a range of administrative roles, including Dean of the School of Social Ecology from 2009-2015 and Chair…

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Remote Teaching Special Update Newsletter – Volume 1

remote learning

Dear colleagues, As the close of the spring quarter approaches, we wanted to take a moment to recognize the efforts of faculty to quickly transition to remote teaching and to share highlights of lessons learned along the way. This is the first volume in a series intended to share experiences of remote teaching and learning…

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Reengaging On-campus Operations

aldrich hall

June 1, 2020 Dear Colleagues, When our workplace was upended in March, many of you made the transition to remote operations like champions – smoothly and effectively, without a noticeable hiccup in productivity or quality. Thank you. As the Chancellor mentioned in his May 11 message, we are working on a phased approach for reengaging on-site…

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The Chancellor’s Inclusive Excellence Award Recipients for 2020-2022

inclusive excllence

Dear colleagues, I am pleased to share with you the news that we have named seven incoming faculty as our first seven recipients of the Chancellor’s Inclusive Excellence Awards. These individuals are recognized for their deep expertise and demonstrated abilities to advance inclusive excellence and they represent diverse disciplines and approaches to championing diversity, equity,…

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Paul Merage School of Business Dean

ian williamson

Dear colleagues, On behalf of Chancellor Gillman, it is my privilege to announce that Ian O. Williamson has been appointed dean of UCI’s Paul Merage School of Business, effective January 1, 2021. Since 2017, Professor Williamson has served as pro vice-chancellor and dean of the Wellington School of Business and Government at Victoria University of…

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UCI Global Engagement Offers Fulbright Opportunity Information Sessions

women looking at a computer

Interested in applying for a Fulbright Scholar program opportunity? Now is the time to prepare for AY21-22 program applications, due in October. Learn how to create a stronger application in one of our online sessions for faculty and students. For Students:   Wednesday, May 13, 1-2 p.m. PDT, Fulbright opportunities for graduate students. Presented by Grant Stream-Gonzalez,  Outreach…

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