UCI Libraries’ Phased Reopening Plans


Dear Colleagues, As you know, UCI research activities transitioned to Phase 2 on June 8, 2020 as a first step in gradual and careful increase of on-campus research. We have a deep appreciation of the fact that library resources are essential for conducting research. We write today to share information on the current situation and…

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Phase 2 Research Transitioning Starts on June 8, 2020

Stem Cell Lab

Dear Colleagues, After meeting with the Orange County Healthcare Agency earlier this week, I am pleased to confirm that UCI will begin transitioning to Phase 2 research starting June 8, 2020. Faculty and independent researchers (“Plan Owners”) may commence Phase 2 research activities after their dean/s or SRP/ORU director/s (“Authorized Official”) have approved their research…

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UCI Transition to Phase 2 Research

researcher in lab

Dear Colleagues, Ever since we implemented research curtailment and shutdown in late March 2020, we have been working on plans for reversing those steps when we would be allowed to do so. Today, I am writing this message to provide important new information about transitioning UCI research activities to Phase 2. On May 11, 2020,…

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Update on the UCI Research Enterprise Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic

Stem Cell Lab

Dear Colleagues, I am writing today to provide an update on the campus research enterprise. As you know, since March 21, 2020, we have restricted campus research to only approved critical research projects. I would like to express my deep appreciation and gratitude to the campus research community for the cooperation and sacrifice in response…

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Emergency COVID-19 Research Seed Funding Opportunity Offered by the UC Research Grants Program Office

lab research

Applications will be accepted starting today (April 6, 2020) and continuously until available funds are expended About this Seed Funding Opportunity In light of the emergence and spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in California and beyond, the statewide funding programs of the University of California Office, of the President (UCOP) Research Grants Program…

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Research ramp-down and curtailment

Stem Cell Lab

Dear Colleagues: The COVID-19 crisis and the rapidly-changing circumstances associated with it are presenting unprecedented challenges to our research enterprise.  UCI’s research community has risen to these challenges, and I greatly appreciate all that you have done so far in response to this crisis. Driven by the rapidly escalating situation in the State of California,…

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