Jun 21, 2023

Dear colleagues,

The UC Office of the President has announced the academic salary program for ladder rank and non-represented faculty for 2023-24. This salary program is contingent upon an allocation currently in the State budget and requires approval from the State Legislature and the governor.

If approved, the salary scales for ladder rank faculty and salaries of other academic faculty tied to the ladder rank salary scales will increase by 4.6% on October 1, 2023 (subject to rounding and smoothing where applicable). At UCI, the Provost has made the decision that this increase will also apply to off-scale salaries, resulting in a 4.6% increase to total base salaries.

Eligible Population for the 4.6% Increase Effective October 1, 2023

  • Ladder Rank Professors
  • Professors of Teaching
  • Professors of Clinical ____ 
  • Professors in Residence
  • Health Sciences Clinical Professors
  • Adjunct Professors
  • Professorial Recalls
  • Part-time faculty administrators (whose salaries are tied to their professorial appointments) 


Please direct any questions about this salary program to Anna Avila in the Academic Personnel Office: annaa4@uci.edu


Hal Stern
Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Chancellor’s Professor, Department of Statistics

Diane O’Dowd 
Vice Provost, Academic Personnel
HHMI Professor, Developmental and Cell Biology