Jan 8, 2021

ERI January Seminar Speaker: Xueli Wang

The Education Research Initiative team is thrilled to introduce our next speaker in the ERI seminar series, Xueli Wang, Professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. With a focus on STEM education and community colleges, Professor Wang's research is aimed at identifying practices, structures, and policies toward transformative change for optimal educational opportunities and equitable outcomes. Her talk, "On My Own: The challenge and promise of building equitable STEM transfer pathways," will be held on Thursday, January 21 from 1-2 p.m. on Zoom.

If you are interested in attending this talk, please RSVP here to receive the meeting Zoom link. If you are interested in a meeting with Professor Wang, please reach out to educationresearch@uci.edu for availability.

We look forward to continuing our collaborative work and engaging with researchers across the campus. If you have a project that you feel could leverage the expertise of our team of postdocs, please feel free to reach out to educationresearch@uci.edu.

For more information about the Education Research Initiative, visit