Nov 10, 2020

Dear colleagues,

Interim Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Hal Stern sent a call for proposals for the UCI Black Thriving Initiative’s Faculty Cluster Hiring Program. Proposals are being accepted now. Please note new deadline: 5 p.m. on Wednesday, January 6, 2021.

Let’s talk a little about the program and process—but, far more engaging, let’s talk through current ideas for proposals and generate some new ideas. Maybe the conversation will reveal synergies among faculty who have complementary ideas or who are interested in developing cross-disciplinary proposals. Please register and submit questions by 12 p.m. November 16.

Town Hall Meeting on Tuesday, November 17, 4-5 p.m

Join us. We will be answering questions submitted prior to the town hall as well as questions raised during the town hall.

Thank you for your interest in continuing to build our community of excellent faculty.


Douglas M. Haynes, Ph.D.
Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Professor of History

Valerie Jenness, Ph.D.
Acting Vice Provost for Academic Planning and Institutional Research
Distinguished Professor, Criminology, Law and Society

Recorded Town Hall Meeting Discussion