Jun 1, 2020
Dear colleagues,
As the close of the spring quarter approaches, we wanted to take a moment to recognize the efforts of faculty to quickly transition to remote teaching and to share highlights of lessons learned along the way. This is the first volume in a series intended to share experiences of remote teaching and learning from across campus.
This quarter has been like none other before. Faculty and students are learning from each other how to adapt and address the unique challenges of the current learning environment. Empathy for our students and each other is key. Now more than ever, we are fundamentally members of a single team and we are in this together.
The excellence of the UCI experience endures because of the talent and perseverance of our people. We hope that these shared insights will be valuable as the campus moves forward. Please look for additional articles in the coming weeks.
Hal S. Stern
Interim Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
Michael Dennin
Vice Provost for Teaching & Learning and Dean, Division of Undergraduate Education
Transition to Remote Teaching - Spring Quarter 2020 Highlights
Amidst the global COVID-19 pandemic, UCI transitioned to a remote teaching and learning environment. UCI's ongoing leadership at the forefront of developing evidence-based pedagogical strategies and technological innovations has served the campus well during the spring quarter. Faculty and staff quickly came together to adapt and continue to provide a world-class educational experience.
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