Feb 20, 2020
Dear colleagues,
Open until February 28, the UCI Climate Survey offers a unique opportunity for all campus and medical center community members – including students, postdoctoral scholars, faculty and staff – to anonymously share their opinions about campus climate and their experiences at UCI.
To complete the survey, click on the “2020 UCI Climate Survey” image at: https://inclusion.uci.edu/. Only UCI members can take the survey. You will be asked to log in with your UCI credentials. Your log in is not associated with the survey responses and all survey responses remain anonymous. This brief survey takes less than 10 minutes to complete.
Opportunity to Win Disneyland Tickets – Submit by February 28
The survey drawing now includes a chance to win a Disneyland ticket two-pack. Those who previously completed the survey and indicated interest in the opportunity drawings will automatically be considered for the special incentive Disneyland tickets in addition to Amazon gift cards.
The UCI Climate Survey results will be publicly posted by the close of year on the www.inclusion.uci.edu website. In addition, results will be used by the Office of Inclusive Excellence in programming, planning and funding for upcoming activities.
Expect equity, support diversity, practice inclusion, and honor free speech.
Douglas M. Haynes
Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Office of Inclusive Excellence | inclusion.uci.edu
Director, ADVANCE Program | inclusion.uci.edu/advance
Professor of History | www.humanities.uci.edu/history