Jan 15, 2019

Dear Anteater Community,

Happy New Year! We enter 2019 with considerable momentum in advancing inclusive excellence. Please review highlights from fall 2018. The newsletter includes the 2018-2019 cohort of the UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellows and the UCI Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellows, as well as upcoming events and programs.

Douglas Haynes, Ph.D.
Vice Provost for Academic Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Office of Inclusive Excellence | inclusion.uci.edu
Director, ADVANCE Program | inclusion.uci.edu/advance
Professor of History | www.humanities.uci.edu/history
Director, Medical Humanities Inter-School Excellence Initiative | medicalhumanities.uci.edu


Inclusive Excellence Forum | January 17 | Pacific Ballroom C, UCI Student Center
The Office of Inclusive Excellence invites the UCI community to a lively discussion about developing an inclusive and transparent process for action planning, in order to achieve inclusive excellence priorities at UCI. OIE Institute for equity, diversity, and inclusion and the UC Irvine Academy for Inclusive Excellence were the first phases in identifying campus-wide action steps for inclusive excellence. The 2019 Inclusive Excellence Forum meeting presents an opportunity for additional, broader groups to come together to prioritize inclusive excellence at UCI. Learn More

STEM Lunch Talk | January 30, Noon | CalIT2 Auditorium
Blizzard Entertainment Software Engineer Cat Morgan keynotes our STEM lunch talks focused on Moving Into Great Internships and Research. Join this free lunch session to hear about key campus resources and ways that STEM students, scholars, and industry professionals have navigated successfully in STEM fields. JAN 30 at noon-1:30 p.m. at Calit2 Auditorium. Learn more.


Dependent Care Travel Awards – All qualifying senate members (who are parents of a child age 6 years or younger at the time of application) are invited to apply for this family friendly resource in support of work-life balance. These awards are designed to subsidize childcare costs associated with travel to a professional conference, research meeting, or approved sabbatical travel. The call will be open January 15 – February 5, 2019 for travel from March 1 – June 30, 2018. Please visit our website for more information about the program and updates on the upcoming call for applications.

Faculty Success Program – The Faculty Success Program provides participants with a supportive community committed to accelerating productivity and advancing career goals. The ADVANCE program will provide a limited number of career development grants (up to $1000) to supplement the cost of tuition. The summer 2019 program runs May 19 – August 10, 2019. The call for funding support will be open in January 31 – February 28, 2019. Please visit our website for more information about the program and updates on the upcoming call for applications.


Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
Since 2013, the ADVANCE Program in the Office of Inclusive Excellence has funded postdoctoral fellows in partnership with the UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program. Learn more about the UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program.

Congratulations to the 2018-2019 President’s Postdoctoral Fellows and Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellows! This year, UC Irvine welcomes seven UC President Postdoctoral Fellows and five Chancellor’s ADVANCE Postdoctoral Fellows.

2018-2019 UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellows

Samar Al-Bulushi
Department of Anthropology
School of Social Sciences

Héctor Beltrán
Department of Anthropology
School of Social Sciences

Alexander Cho
Department of Informatics
Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences

Seyda Ipek
Department of Chemistry
School of Physical Sciences

Ryan Jeffrey McCarty
Department of Chemistry
School of Physical Sciences

Rolando Ruiz-Vega
Department of Development and Cell Biology
School of Biological Sciences

SA Smythe
Department of Anthropology
School of Social Sciences

2018-2019 Chancellor’s ADVANCE Postdoctoral Fellows

Daniel Akwahboah
Department of Chemistry
School of Physical Sciences

Anna Boncompagni
Department of Philosophy
School of Humanities

Bonnie Cuthbert
Department of Biology and Biochemistry
School of Biological Sciences

Christian Guerrero-Juarez
Department of Developmental and Cell Biology
School of Biological Sciences;
Department of Mathematics
School of Physical Sciences

Stefan Vogler
Department of Criminology, Law, and Society
School of Social Ecology

Confronting Extremism Event Update

October 17: Steven Pinker: Enlightenment Now
As part of the Perspectives on Bias, Prejudice, and Bigotry Lecture Series, in partnership with the Confronting Extremism Intiative and Chancellor’s Distinguished Lecture Series, the campus hosted Steven Pinker, a cognitive scientist who has been named by TIME as one of the ‘100 Most Influential People in the World,’ on October 17 at the Irvine Barclay Theatre. Steven Pinker discussed his book “Englightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress.”

November 1: Anita DeFrantz: Race and Gender in Sports in an Age of #MeToo
On November 1, we welcomed Anita DeFrantz to campus as a featured speaker in the lecture series Perspectives on Bias, Prejudice, and Bigotry, in partnership with the initiative on Confronting Extremism. Anita DeFrantz is a noted activist, specifically for civil rights and to eliminate sexual harrassment. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania Law School and a vocal leader in the International Olympic Committee, she joined us for a candid talk about “Race and Gender in Sports in an Age of #MeToo.”


UCI is ranked No. 3 for largest percentage jump in underrepresented minority students
“UCI is ranked No. 3 by The Chronicle of Higher Education among public doctorate-awarding institutions with the largest increases in percentage of underrepresented minorities in the student body. The campus is also the only member of the prestigious Association of American Universities in the top 10. Learn More.

Office of Inclusive Excellence Report Release:
Moving Past the Model Minority Myth: UCI as an Asian American and Pacific Islander Thriving Campus: Report of the Administrative Task Forve on Campus Designation as an Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institution