Nov 18, 2021

Dear campus community,

UCI Global Engagement Office invites faculty, administrators and professional staff to an information session about the Fulbright Specialist Program at 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. PT on Friday, November 19, 2021.

Offered by the U.S. Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, the Fulbright Specialist Program is part of the larger Fulbright Program that provides U.S. citizens who are established professionals or academics, and possess expertise in qualifying disciplines, with an opportunity to engage in short-term (2-6 week) project-based exchanges at host institutions around the globe.

This information session will include an in-depth look at the program and an overview of topics such as:

  • Eligibility requirements
  • Benefits for participating specialists
  • Application process
  • Examples of past Fulbright Specialist projects

Fulbright Specialist Program staff will be available to answer attendee questions.

To join the event, visit To learn more about the Fulbright Specialist Program, visit